Monday 6 December 2010

Week 9 Sessions

This week was more focus on completing our pdfs and due to the massive snow, getting to college was problematic. So we mostly stayed at home doing our work.

But on the tuesday and friday, my class and 1 looked at each others pdfs and gave feedback on it. I was glad that I really improved from my last pdf session, which did not go that well by the way, and by the end of this I hope to get a much better mark than average.

Fish and chips on friday was not that great than before....sigh...

Thursday 2 December 2010


We were given a list of workshops for us to sign up and I chose okido. It was a real pain to get this workshop, cause the spots for it were filling up fast, but I manage to get it in the end.
Its an illustrative workshop so I'm pretty excited. This is good chance to meet who work in the illustration business.

There website is here if anyones interested in seeing their work: