Monday 30 May 2011

The Babylon Club

My very first animatic story. Drank a lot of red bull to make this, felt sick later on, but it was worth it. Anyway, enjoy.

Sunday 29 May 2011

An epic animation

This was made by one of my favourite animators of all times, Genndy Tartakovsky. Just by watching it you can see the experimentation of colour and animation he uses in it. Check it out:

He never seises to amaze me.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Just an interesting image

I spotted this image in the print screening department in College and thought I'd show it here.

Monday 9 May 2011

My Okido Story Finished

Took quite a while but with hard work and sleepless nights I've finally finished my okido work.
Here are a few page examples of my book

I've added a little texture to the pages to give a more grittier look and I have to say, I think it was the right way to go. Hopefully I'll get a good grade for this. If not, then I may as not bother writing this blo--

Friday 6 May 2011

High Street Mash-up

Well our objective in this class was to compare the differences in posh high streets and...less...posh streets. Heres some of the work we did:

A sort of mood board of the less posh street.

A collaboration in creating a sort of mix breed of posh and non-posh high street store. Darren wasn't really impressed by it.

One more workshop... getting abit worried now about making the book now...