Monday 30 May 2011

The Babylon Club

My very first animatic story. Drank a lot of red bull to make this, felt sick later on, but it was worth it. Anyway, enjoy.

Sunday 29 May 2011

An epic animation

This was made by one of my favourite animators of all times, Genndy Tartakovsky. Just by watching it you can see the experimentation of colour and animation he uses in it. Check it out:

He never seises to amaze me.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Just an interesting image

I spotted this image in the print screening department in College and thought I'd show it here.

Monday 9 May 2011

My Okido Story Finished

Took quite a while but with hard work and sleepless nights I've finally finished my okido work.
Here are a few page examples of my book

I've added a little texture to the pages to give a more grittier look and I have to say, I think it was the right way to go. Hopefully I'll get a good grade for this. If not, then I may as not bother writing this blo--

Friday 6 May 2011

High Street Mash-up

Well our objective in this class was to compare the differences in posh high streets and...less...posh streets. Heres some of the work we did:

A sort of mood board of the less posh street.

A collaboration in creating a sort of mix breed of posh and non-posh high street store. Darren wasn't really impressed by it.

One more workshop... getting abit worried now about making the book now...

Thursday 31 March 2011

The Definite must see

By far, one of the most well drawn, imaginative, free lance animations I've ever seen.
Watch it now:

I'm not usually a big fan of these sort of scary artistic story types, but the way this was animated... I just wanted to show it to you guys. You can check out more of his work on

Saturday 26 March 2011

Shade Silhouettes

This was one of my favourite workshop. After looking at examples of Silhouette Designers, such as Otto and Lawrence Zeegen, we were given a library of silhouettes to experiment on and to to go nut with them.

Here a few of my very own:

Probably one of my most funniest ones yet. 

Friday 18 February 2011

Airside Workshop

Choosing this workshop was the best choice I ever made. Airside is an animation company who make some of the most cutest characters I ever seen. They came to our college and showed us some of their amazing work. Don't take my word for it, check these out:

To see more, check out their website at and their youtube website to see their amazing videos at

Saturday 12 February 2011

My First Story Book

Throughout this entire month, I've never enjoyed a project like this in my life. Working with Racheal and Okido has been so much fun. Most of all I love looking at all the work my classmates have done. So many creative people in my class. I have learned so much from them. An I got a awesome grade for it! Woopee!

So anyway here's a little example of my work in Okido, the rest of it's not finished yet, but hopefully I'll get it done soon.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Stencil Characters

Just like Banksy himself, I got to use my very first stencil, and I have to say.....IT WAS INSANELY ANNOYING!!!!! *ahem*..... sorry about that. What I was trying to say was that creating the stencils was very tedious and hard, especially when the material was made of thin plastic and you have to cut it with a scalpel. Anyway, here's some pictures of my work.

If you are still baffled to what my "cleverly designed" characters are, the red one's a hunk of cheese and the blue one's a mouse. You can figure out the story for yourself.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Game Cards

My very own game cards of my characters:

Have to say, these were a hell of a time to make, but I'm pretty proud of the outcome.
Also tried using these cards in a game with the other card made in class and realized that MY CARDS SUUUUCK!

Friday 14 January 2011

Some drawings done through the year

Finally my blogger can put images!

Okay, so here are some practice drawings I've done last term of FdA:

In our image class we were to sketch the object in front of us to the best of our ability, here was mine:

Just to let you know, this was a very odd looking toy which was missing his arm.

Apparently our best was not to their liking/ We were then told to try different techniques of drawing, like looking at the object without looking at the drawing at all, also to hold the pencil at the end of it, which was quite difficult. Here were the results:

This was my first attempt. Lesson here, never take your pencil off the paper or it will end like this.

I was pretty proud of this one. Looks much closer to my original sketch.

I really enjoyed drawing this way, so I began doing some sketches outside of college and here they are:

Portrait of one of my classmates. You know who you are.

More to come in the later future, so stay tune.

Thursday 13 January 2011


Happy New Year guys. It's a brand new year. And so begins a new term in LCC.

Hopefully this year I'll be updating this blog much more than last year.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

First Day of Okido

Our objective was to create our own characters and design them in silhouettes.

It was a very messy process:

There were some awesome characters made during my class:

Some of my own characters: