Friday 14 January 2011

Some drawings done through the year

Finally my blogger can put images!

Okay, so here are some practice drawings I've done last term of FdA:

In our image class we were to sketch the object in front of us to the best of our ability, here was mine:

Just to let you know, this was a very odd looking toy which was missing his arm.

Apparently our best was not to their liking/ We were then told to try different techniques of drawing, like looking at the object without looking at the drawing at all, also to hold the pencil at the end of it, which was quite difficult. Here were the results:

This was my first attempt. Lesson here, never take your pencil off the paper or it will end like this.

I was pretty proud of this one. Looks much closer to my original sketch.

I really enjoyed drawing this way, so I began doing some sketches outside of college and here they are:

Portrait of one of my classmates. You know who you are.

More to come in the later future, so stay tune.

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