Friday 15 October 2010

Cut, Paste, Observe…

Today we learned about how manipulating an image can change it’s meaning so much. The first thing we did was to cut these images we were given and match them with the cropping instructions. We were to work in a group for this task. I worked with René, Iza and Shodor, great people by the way. It was kind of hard for us to decide how to and where to cut but we managed to finish it in the end. 
I got to cut stuff, hooray!...*ahem* sorry about that.

The next thing we did, which I thought was quite interesting, was to produce a narrative sequence using the newspaper given to us. To me, it was sort of like creating a comic strip, which I love doing. Anyway, I chose two of the six sequences we were given which were ‘movement to movement’ and ‘Non-sequitor.’ (I’ll put some images of my work later.)

Then we had lunch! I had the fish…it was….meh. Let get back to my session.

The next thing we did was just cut out images left in the newspapers, cut out headings and subheadings and stick one of the images with one of the headings. We were to make four of them so in was quite a hassle to dig through the piles of newspapers and find some decent images and headings. Somehow I managed to finish them. They weren’t as great as the other ones displayed, but at least I got something adequate. (I’ll show some of the photos as soon as I can find a plug that can attach my camera to my laptop)

Well that’s all I’ve done today. I feel like I’ve practically used an entire forest for this session. But if I were worried about deforestation, I wouldn’t be constantly drawing on paper everyday.

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