Thursday 7 October 2010

My First Blog

Truthfully, I never knew what a blog was at first, but on my first day in Fda graphic I was showed a presentation about what a blog was and examples of different blogs in the internet. I was fascinated by how helpful a blog can be for my graphic studies. Many of these blogs I've seen have very useful info about different medias in graphics and stuff about galleries they've seen. I quite excited to see how far this blog goes at the end of the year. 

After the presentation, we were given an assignment which involves all the things we've learned throughout that day. We were to get into groups, come up with a theme, and create a blog about it. I got into my group and the first thing we did was to get back the lunch we missed from the presentation we had. It was a good presentation and all, but I really wanted my lunch. So anyway, me and my group decided our theme should be about conflict. We some photo of people arguing with each other and began writing our blog. Sadly time was not our side, we had to rush making our blog and to quickly upload our photos. Somehow we manage to finish it in time. 

 Well anyway, that's it for this post. Hopefully I'll put some more exciting posts than this one. 

Signing off! (that is so cliche...)

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