Tuesday 2 November 2010

Fridays Session

We began our first big assignment on Fad. We were to get into our groups based on our timetables. Ridiculously, we were to choose our three main points, which are client, audience and message, and the only way to do that is to role a dice and let fate decide for us. Sadly, once our points have been chosen, we are to stay with that decision and nothing else. Obviously we got the most boring topic of all:

Client: Global Corporation

Message: Become Greener

Audience: Inner City 15-20 year olds

Boring I know. After that, we were then taught about the 6 thinking men:


So the first thing we did was writing up some questions about our brief using the 6 thinking men. Made a few large posters for each point and hang them on the wall.

Then after lunch we began our research on our brief by looking closer at our brief and answering the questions we made.

Then we finished early. That's about it...truthfully my mind is just not at that state where I feel like writhing a blog so sorry....

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