Monday 29 November 2010

Week 8 Seesions

Well so far my Term 1 project is moving slowly, but it's progressing pretty well. I did some sketches before Tuesday and showed it to the class. Sadly, this blog is NOT LETTING ME POST ANY IMAGES so I can't really show the images I've done, but when I can, I'll show you some of my work.

On Friday, we showed our PDF presentations to the class. I was kind of worried that we had to display our work to the entire class but we only showed a few people so it was kind of a big relief to me. Anyway, I was given a few things to improve and I was even given an artist who may help me with my PDF design. His name is Mike Perry and his work is pretty sweet. Check out his website if you're interested in print screening and illustrations.

So ya, now I need to give my work a lot of tuning up before I give it in on December.

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